Title: อยากได้โปรแกรม sht15 ออก lcd จ้า พอดีกอปมาเป็นอ$ Post by: Eakaphun on June 06, 2009, 02:10:55 PM #case
#include <16F877A.h> #fuses HS,NOWDT,NOPROTECT,NOLVP #use delay(clock=20000000) #use rs232(baud=9600,parity=N,xmit=PIN_C6,rcv=PIN_C7) #include <math.h> #define SHT1xDATA PIN_B4 #define SHT1xSCK PIN_B5 #define noACK 0 #define ACK 1 // SHT1x address=000 is currently supported // SHT1x command code //adr command r/w #define STATUS_REG_W 0x06 //000 0011 0 #define STATUS_REG_R 0x07 //000 0011 1 #define MEASURE_TEMP 0x03 //000 0001 1 #define MEASURE_HUMI 0x05 //000 0010 1 #define RESET 0x1E //000 1111 0 // constant use for SHT1x Humidity Measurement #define C1 -4.0 #define C2 0.0405 #define C3 -0.0000028 // constat use for SHT1x Tnemperature Measurement #define D1 -40.0 #define D2 0.01 // constant use for SHT1x True Humidity Measurement #define T1 0.01 #define T2 0.00008 //PIC16F6X8 #define CMCON 0x1F #define PORTA 0x05 #define PORTB 0x06 void InitialChip(void); //SHT1x Transmission Start condition void SHTStart() { output_high(SHT1xDATA); output_low(SHT1xSCK); output_high(SHT1xSCK); output_low(SHT1xDATA); output_low(SHT1xSCK); output_high(SHT1xSCK); output_high(SHT1xDATA); output_low(SHT1xSCK); } // SHT1x Connection Reset: void SHTConReset() { int i; output_high(SHT1xDATA); for (i=0; i<9; i++) { output_high(SHT1xSCK); delay_us(2); output_low(SHT1xSCK); delay_us(2); } SHTStart(); } // SHT1x Address & Command Mode with address=000 int SHTWrite(int Data) { int i; for (i=0x80;i>0;i/=2) //shift bit for masking data { if(i&Data) output_high(SHT1xDATA); else output_low(SHT1xDATA); delay_us(2); //Snend Clock each bit output_high(SHT1xSCK); delay_us(2); output_low(SHT1xSCK); } output_float(SHT1xDATA); //Change DATA Line to Input delay_us(2); output_high(SHT1xSCK); //Clock for Acknowledge delay_us(2); i= input(SHT1xDATA); //Get Acknowledge output_low(SHT1xSCK); delay_ms(250); return (i); } //Read data from SHT1x long SHTRead(void) { int i; long lTmp,lVal1,lVal2,lValue; lVal1=0; lVal2=0; //get MSB from SHT1x for (i=0; i<8; i++) { lVal1<<=1; output_high(SHT1xSCK); //Send Clock Hight lTmp = input(SHT1xDATA); //Read Data Bit //delay_us(2); output_low(SHT1xSCK); //Send Clock Low //delay_us(2); if(lTmp) lVal1|=1; //store in lVal1 } //Acknowledge routine for Next byte output_low(SHT1xDATA); output_high(SHT1xSCK); //delay_us(2); output_float(SHT1xDATA); //Change to Input output_low(SHT1xSCK); //delay_us(2); //get LSB from SHT1x for (i=0; i<8; i++) { lVal2<<=1; output_high(SHT1xSCK); //Send Clock Hight lTmp = input(SHT1xDATA); //Read Data Bit //delay_us(2); output_low(SHT1xSCK); //Send Clock Low //delay_us(2); if(lTmp) lVal2|=1; //store in lVal2 } lValue = make16(lVal1,lVal2); //Makes a 16 bit number out of two 8 bit numbers. return(lValue); } // SHT1x Soft Reset // resets the interface, clears the status register to default values // wait minimum 11ms before next command void SHTSoftReset() { SHTConReset(); SHTWrite(RESET); } // calculate dewpoint float sht1x_calc_dewpoint(float fRh,float fTemp) { float fDewpoint; float fLogEW; fLogEW = ((7.5*fTemp)/(237.3+fTemp))+log10(fRh)-1.33923; fDewpoint = ((0.66077-log10(fLogEW))*(237.3))/(log10(fLogEW)-8.16077); return(fDewpoint); } void InitialChip(void) { setup_comparator(NC_NC_NC_NC); //Input Digital set_tris_b(0B00000000); set_tris_c(0B10000000); } // Main Program void main() { float fRh_lin; float fRh_true; float fTemp_true; float fDew_point; long lValue_rh; long lValue_temp; int R; InitialChip(); delay_ms(200); set_tris_b(0x00); //printf("test"); SHTConReset(); while (TRUE) { // delay >11ms before next command delay_ms(12); SHTStart(); //@1 start transmission R=SHTWrite(MEASURE_TEMP); //@2 measure temperature if(R==1) { printf("Sensor Error\n"); delay_ms(1000); continue; } lValue_temp = SHTRead(); // temperature calculation fTemp_true = (D1+(D2*lValue_temp)); // delay 11ms before next command delay_ms(12); // start transmission SHTStart(); // measure relative humidity SHTWrite(MEASURE_HUMI); lValue_rh = SHTRead(); // relative humidity calculation fRh_lin = (C1+(C2*lValue_rh)+(C3*lValue_rh*lValue_rh)); fRh_true = (((fTemp_true-25)*(T1+(T2*lValue_rh)))+fRh_lin); // dewpoint calculation fDew_point = sht1x_calc_dewpoint(fRh_true,fTemp_true); printf("T=%3.2f C\r\n",fTemp_true); printf("H=%3.2f%%\r\n",fRh_true); printf("Dew Point: %3.6fC \r\n\r\n",fDew_point); delay_ms(1000); } } ช่วยแก้ให้มานออก lcd หน่อยครับพอดีทำมะเป็นโปรเจ็คจบ Title: Re: อยากได้โปรแกรม sht15 ออก lcd จ้า พอดีกอปมาเป็นอ Post by: ToToNGe on September 19, 2010, 09:08:19 PM dunๆ